There are exceptions to some rules. This also applies to fashion. However, there are some that are standard. Let’s take a look at a couple of them:
1. Not wearing sunglasses inside
Unless you are a musician who is performing to the crowd, you should be caught wearing sunglasses inside. Asides from being a fashion statement, sunglasses are really for protection from the sun. They are best worn outdoors.
2. Don’t match your bags and shoes
Really? The fashion experts say so. This means you can get creative with how you mismatch colours. Your style would even be more pronounced if you have some vibes you give with how you mix colours in your dressing. Since it is considered a fashion faux-pas to match bags and shoes, try using complementary colours instead of these accessories.
3. Don’t wear abstract shades of black together
Ensure that your black wear shades have the same intensity. One should not be faded or faint than the other. There is an attitude that comes with wearing black. You need to carry it well with poise so that it does not appear you are mourning.
4. Loose tops with tight bottoms and vice versa
Wear loose tops with loose bottoms and not otherwise. Do the same with tight fitted tops and tight fitted bottoms.
5. Take airpods out when talking to people
We are in the digital age when airpods have become fashionable item. These days people are rocking airpods but it does not show courtesy especially when having conversations with people. You should take airpods off when you are talking as a sign of respect.
6. Bold colours on the lips and eyelids
Don’t wear bold colours on your lips and eyelids. You should go soft on one for the other. I|f you are wearing bold red lipstick, your eyelids should have warm colours.
7. Start lower lash before up lash when applying mascara
There is a right way to apply your mascara. Start with the lower lashes then move to the lashes up. Be careful to avoid smudges.