My darling child,
I want all your sadness to go away
And what brings you joy to stay in your heart
Prayer makes you happy and relaxed,
But you soon remember your troubles
You fret and stop to pray.
There are so many wounds
Some have healed
Their scares still linger.
Some have not.
Pray for their healing.
I am sorry the world has done this to you
I am sorry it has made you weep
It has made you sad.
This is life
Different things
Different people
Different experiences
The good, the bad, the ugly
The sadness and the joy
Sometimes you may feel there is no love and joy in it
Even from your own parents
But remember I have all
And when all things seem so bleak,
You are worried and bothered
Weighed down with anxiety
Remember me
Hope in my promises
Have faith
Come to me
Lay all your burdens on me
I will carry them for you my child.
Why are you so worried?
I am always there.
So, my child,
Remember I love you
I know your anxieties
I know your worries
I know your cares
I know all you needs
Pray, my child.
I am always there for you.
Poem by Adaudo Anyiam-Osigwe