On Fashion Friday, we are going put the spotlight on men rocking the senator trend. It is not out place since it is Friday and most times native wears dominate this day.
But times have changed, the senator menswear has become an everyday wear not just for Friday. It is not everyday we get to see a dapper-looking gentleman looking clean and sharp in a senator wear. Just because nothing can be compared to the man who looks polished and trim in the menswear, we are going to show a catalogue of best senator men wears.
The material and designs make a lot of difference in the senator menswear. A pocket square design, checkered material, prints and striped fabrics, go along way to make the man in the senator wear stand out. This have been made possible with proper tailoring . And the man needs to have the confidence to wear the outfit with ‘swag’ and style.
Check them below and let us know your favourite: