US rapper, Trey Songz was arrested on Sunday after a scuffle with a police officer at a sports game. The 36-year-old was arrested for allegedly trespassing, resisting arrest, and assaulting a police officer according to the Mirror.
In shared footage of the incident, the singer-songwriter can be seen struggling with an officer who is stood facing him as Trey sits in his seat facing the pitch at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri.
During the fight, Trey then apparently gets the officer in a headlock and can be seen to throw a punch in the direction of the officer’s head. The officer then succeeds in pinning him to his seat before further officers and security guards arrive.
Fans can be heard shouting at the officer to stop as they record the incident from a few rows behind, while Trey is heard shouting “get off me”.
The incident began when the father-of-one, was hassled by fans as he watched the American football game. While the footage does not record the start of the incident, the officer is said to have approached when Trey asked them to “chill out”.
Trey Songz is yet to comment on the incident as at the time of this report.